Interesanta means interesting. I'm cheating here, its really a Spanish word...I could use Kawili-wili, but thats super deep tagalog, and people laugh at me when I say it. And a lot of spanish is used in Tagalog so there!
Well, what can I say about this month. Its been a crazy crazy month of adventures to far away lands, witnessing men carrying crosses (literally), talk of establishing a new branch in my area, trying to inspire a stagnant ward, aaaaaaand living with a Tongan. awww, yea. Its been crazy.
We'll start with my new comp, Elder William Lotima from New Zealand. Ex-gangster who represented the crips, professional boxer of 8 years who traveled to America and won 4/5 matches in his weight division, has a colorful defining past, is really masipag (hard working), good guy, loves to share stories...I mean... loves to share stories, and is just a stud. We have so much fun, ridiculous amounts of fun. Fun that best bros would have if they got put together on a mission. The ironic thing is I fight with him more than any of my other comps, but it's fights you get in with your brother. and after a punch in the chest or a smack on the head its all good. We do have our struggles though, as all companions do. [I'm still no master in Tagalog, and Lotima needs a lot of improvement. He's never really been given the chance to teach in past companionships, and he's only a transfer behind me. So I'm basically training him to become a senior, which I'm sure he will be, but I feel like I'm starting from square one.] I'm re-learning the principle of patience, I'm learning a ton about patience, and a lot about how little the materialistic means. I just got a package from home and I'm usually super protective and reluctant to share (cause their is no trail-mix in the Philippines!), but he just goes and raids my box. Its a Tongan thing though, and I've learned to raid his stuff too. It works out really well. He steals my ties, I steal his food, he steals my shirts, I steal his laundry detergent. It's a way good learning experience to know how to share and really consecrate all you have to your comp. I feel like we are truly one in a companionship. Its amazing, frustrating, edifying, struggling, love all wrapped in one awesome adventure.
Our first week together I received a referral from a different mission in the Philippines. the Loag mission, for an investigator who lives in Padre Burgas. Technically its in Lopez zone, not my zone which is Lucena, but technically Pagbilao is the closest chapel and missionary area opened to it, so we got permission to take a two hour bus outside our bounds to teach this investigator... [I was skeptical to spend in essence, five hours tracking this one referral down, but, by divine purpose, our appointments canceled, and we had a gap big enough to find this person. And oh it was so worth it.] Our first time there, I asked Joanabelle (the referral) if she had any questions before we started. She said yes, and with pure innocence and sincerity she asked timidly
"Is Christ close to me even if the missionaries aren't here?"
I responded with a big smile and choking back emotion I responded
"He's probably closer to you when we are not here,"
It only took that lesson to know she was ready, that she was searching for solace in the Savior. We have to sacrifice an entire day's worth of work to visit her, but after a gigantic sacrifice by one member, and a commitment to God, she is able to attend church by taking a 2 hour bus ride to our chapel, and is lined up for baptism in May, but we might move it sooner cause she is amazing.
Last Sunday I prepared ideas for a ward mission plan, and spent a lot of time and energy trying to motivate and inspire this ward. After pouring my heart and soul out in a pretty motivational speech about desire and church unity which was inspired, they seemed still unreceptive and unenthusiastic about the work. Its been a struggle, and a hard-ship. You just put so much effort and try so hard...but the unresponsive just don't seem to care. I might be giving a hasty judgement in this regard, but Its hard to be optimistic about this plan. Ill be studying about hope this week.
So life has been an adventure, and I'm sure it will keep on being one while I'm out here. Its been fun. Lots of other stories, but no more time to tell them. That's how it is.
I love you all, happy Easter, God bless.
-Elder Charles Mace
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